
COMPLIE - make all

RUN - ./final

Module 1

DFS(Graph G) -- choose start vertex arbitrarily and perform DFS

DFS(Graph G, vertex s)

DFS(Graph G, vertex s, vertex t) -- is t reachable from s

Module 2

BFS(Graph G)

BFS(Graph G, vertex s)

BFS(Graph G, vertex s, vertex t)

Module 3

BFS_SPATH(G,s,flag=0) -- returns spath in unweighted graphs

BFS_SPATH(G,s,flag=1) -- returns spath in weighted graphs

LPATH(Tree T, flag=0) - returns the longest path in T (undirected tree)

LPATH(Tree T, flag=1) - returns the longest path in a DAG

MAX_Weight_MST(Graph G)

Module 4

Test_bipartite(Graph G)

Test_articulationpoints(Graph G)

Test_bridges(Graph G)

Module 5

MST_Prim(Graph G)

MST_Kruskal(Graph G)

MST_youralgo(Graph G)