
Primary LanguagePython

Data Collection

General Overview

This project contains two Flink streaming jobs implemented in Python:

  1. Data Cleaning and Publishing: Reads data from a WebSocket, performs cleanup, and publishes it to a Kafka topic.
  2. Data Aggregation and Enrichment: Reads data from a Kafka topic, aggregates it into a 20-second tumbling window, enriches the result with data from Worldometers, and sends it to MongoDB.

Message Flow Between Components

       | Twitter Data Simulator |  
       |      (generator)       |  
         |   Collection Job   |  
         | (collector_stream) |  
            |  Kafka Topic |
            |   (tweets)   |
         +---------------------+           +--------------+
         |   Aggregation Job   | ------->  | worldometers |
         | (aggregator_stream) |           |              |
         +---------------------+           +--------------+  
         |       MongoDB        |
         | (twitter_collection) |

Description of Each Component

Twitter Data Simulator (generator)

A script (twitter_stream_simulator.py) used to generate dummy data and publish it to a WebSocket on localhost:5555.

Data Cleaning Job (collector_stream)

Reads data from the WebSocket, performs data cleanup, and publishes the cleaned data to the Kafka topic.

Kafka Topic (tweets)

A Kafka topic where cleaned data is published by the data cleaning job and from which data is consumed by the aggregation job.

Aggregation Job (aggregator_stream)

Reads data from the Kafka topic, aggregates it into a 20-second tumbling window, enriches the data with information from Worldometers, and sends it to MongoDB.


Resource that represent Worldometers

MongoDB (twitter_collection)

Saves enriched data into MongoDB.

Steps to Run Everything

  1. Build the Docker Images:
    make docker_build
  2. Start the Environment::
       make docker_up
  3. Package and deploy project::
       make clean package deploy
  4. In a separate terminal window create Flink SQL Table to view result::
       make sql_client
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS twitter_table (  
    `hash` STRING,
    `content` ARRAY<STRING>,
    `timestamp` STRING,
    `total_cases_count` BIGINT,
    `total_deaths_count` BIGINT,
    `total_recovered_count` BIGINT,
    `new_cases_count` BIGINT,
    `new_deaths_count` BIGINT,
    `new_recovered_count` BIGINT,
    `active_cases_count` BIGINT,
    `critical_cases_count` BIGINT,
    ) WITH (  
    'connector' = 'mongodb',  
    'uri' = 'mongodb://mongodb:27017',  
    'database' = 'twitter_db',  
    'collection' = 'twitter_collection'
  5. Run the Collector Stream::
       make remote_collection_stream
  6. Run the Aggregation Stream::
       make remote_aggregation_stream
  7. To view running Fling Job's open in the browser: http://localhost:8082/#/job/running
  8. To results go back to terminal window with Flink SQL and run query::
    SELECT * FROM twitter_table;
    To refresh results, rerun the same query and pay attention timestamp column.
  9. Shutdowm env::
       make docker_down
  10. Clean up::
       make docker_clean