
This is a ProcessWire module for adding the ability to create "draft" versions of pages that can be previewed by clients or anyone who does not have a CMS login. This works by creating a "hidden" copy that has a random hash added to the URL so that the URL cannot be guessed, and the page will not show up in lists and searches.


At present the module is coded to require ProcessWire 2.1 or greater but this was only implemented in the belief that 2.1 is required for page cloning. It has been tested on recent version of Processwire up until and including 2.2.9 dev branch versions. It has not been extensively tested but the code is very simple and I believe it should work fine. It is marked as beta until I have some feedback from the community that all is well.


The module (a single file) should be copied to the site/modules folder, optionally within its own folder for neatness!