This is very early alpha release DO NOT USE THIS!!!!
##What it does?
This is database server based on:
0MQ for communication
JavaScript V8 for scripting
LevelDB for storage
WAH bitmaps for indecies
you simply send JS source code of commands to this server and it does all the magic
To install you need to install 0MQ first
After this run make in leveldb dir
and after make in main dir
After compilation you will have 2 programs:
mqdb -- this is server
client -- this is sample client to test speed of server
You can use any language and platform that support 0MQ
Example using C:
zmq::message_t request (200);
snprintf ((char *) request.data(), 200 ,
"for(i=1; i<10; i++){ put('db/test','aaa','dane'+i) }");
socket.send (request);
// Get the reply
zmq::message_t reply;
socket.recv (&reply);
std::cout << "Received: " << static_cast<char*>(reply.data()) << std::endl;
As you can see we are simply sending JavaScript code to server using 0MQ message. Server returns whatever our script returns or information about error.
All functions take name of the database as first argument. It is path to catalog when leveldb will put data. If database does not exist it will be created. In case of some error exception will be raised. If you want to create database "/a/b/s/some_db" the path "/a/b/s/" must exist.
put(db_name, key, val) -- returns 1 if success, throws exception in case of error
get(db_name, key) -- returns value, or Null if key does not exist, in case of other errors throws exception
del(db_name, key) -- returns 1 if success, throws exception in case of error
###Iterator API
it_new(db_name) -- returns handle to iterator object for use in other functions, you do not need to deallocate the objects, they are automatically removed after script is executed
it_first(it) -- seeks to first element returns 1 if success, throws exception in case of error
it_last(it) -- seeks to last element returns 1 if success, throws exception in case of error
it_seek(it, val) -- seeks to element equal or greater then val returns 1 if success, throws exception in case of error
it_next(it) -- moves to next element returns 1 if success, throws exception in case of error
it_prev(it) -- moves to prev element returns 1 if success, throws exception in case of error
it_valid(it) -- returns 0 if iterator is no longer valid
it_val(it) -- returns current value as string or throws exception
it_key(it) -- returns current key as string or throws exception
it_del(it) -- if you like you can remove iterator by hand (do not need to)
This code returns all values in database and removes them all while reading
var ret = [];
var i = 0;
var it = it_new('db/testb');
for(it_first(it); it_valid(it); it_next(it)){
ret[i++] = {'key': it_key(it), 'val': it_val(it)};
del('db/testb', it_key(it))
This code returns all values with keys between "aaa2" and "aaa4"
var ret = [];
var i = 0;
var it = it_new('db/testb');
for(it_seek(it, 'aaa2'); it_valid(it) && it_key(it)<'aaa4'; it_next(it)){
ret[i++] = {'key': it_key(it), 'val': it_val(it)};
MQDB can be very easily extended using JavaScript on server side
It is difficult to compare with other systems, because you can make a lot of get/put on the server using one script. On my laptop (4 cores, 8GB RAM) it runs client and server simultaneously with speed about 1000 scripts / second.