
A skeleton C++ project. Build

Primary LanguageC++

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To initialise project from this repo

  • Copy all files/directories from of project-with-* directory to the new directory
  • In ./CMakeLists.txt change project name from stub to your project name
  • In all *.cpp *.hpp files change namespace from stub to your namespace

Conan pre 2.0 with Clion

The dependencies are managed by conan. Before compilation:

  • ensure that you have conan installed
  • install all the dependencies to appropriate directories. For example if you are using CLion you will:
    conan install --install-folder cmake-build-debug . --build=missing
    conan install --install-folder cmake-build-release . --build=missing

Conan 2.0 with Clion

  • Prepare conanfile.txt according to Conan documentation, for example:

  • Install Conan dependencies, as in example below. These commands are also provided as a shell script project/install_conan.sh.
conan install . --output-folder=cmake-build-debug --build=missing --profile=debug
conan install . --output-folder=cmake-build-release --build=missing --profile=release
  • In Clion Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake -> CMake Options add the following options for each profile:
    • -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan_toolchain.cmake