
WDL Workflow for metagenome assembly

Primary LanguageRoff


WDL Workflow for metagenome assembly

Python script to generate mapping between non-redundant gene catalogue and MAGS

Introduction to WDL workflow

This pipeline will perform;

  • Pre-processing of reads with Trim Galore and Kneaddata
  • Metagenomics assembly with Megahit
  • Gene prediction
  • Mapping of reads against the contigs
  • Metagenome binning using MetaBAT2
  • Quality assessment of genome bins
  • Taxonomic classifications
  • Gene clustering with CD-HIT-EST
  • Mapping of reads to gene clusters and computing gene counts



This pipeline uses docker image

Input parameters

All the inputs needed by the workflow are provided through a JSON file and can be generated using Womtool with the following command

java -jar womtool.jar inputs workflow.wdl > inputs.json

Running the pipeline


The pipeline can be run using Cromwell

java -jar cromwell.jar run workflow.wdl -i inputs.json


This pipeline will produce a number of directories and files

  • assemble; contains assembled contigs
  • predictgenes; gene coordinates file (GFF), protein translations and nucleotide sequences in fasta format
  • metabat2; binned contigs and a summary report
  • CheckM; genome assessment summary report
  • gtdbtk; taxonomic classification summary file
  • cluster_genes; representative sequences and list of clusters

Mapping between gene catalogue, MAGS and eggNOG annotation

Python3 script to map non-redundant gene catalogue back to contigs, MAGS and eggNOG annotations

Runtime dependencies

The following softwares are required by python script:


python genes_MAGS_eggNOG_mapping.py --help

Input requirements

  • clustering file - tab-delimited file with cluster ID and gene ID
  • Non-redundant gene catalogue (fasta)
  • Contig files in fasta
  • binned contigs (MAGS) in fasta
  • taxonomy files (tsv)
  • EggNOG annotation file (tsv)


mapping table (tsv file) that links the non-redundant gene catalogue back to contigs, MAGs and to eggNOG annotations