Newb X Legacy is a ported version of newb-shader-mcbe for MCBE 1.20. It is a vanilla shader based on the theme "lightweight and soft aesthetics".
Note: This is an experimental repository, breaking changes are made often.
Nightly builds for Android (ESSL) and Windows (DX) can be found at Discord server.
Linux: (minecraft-manifest)
- Extract material.bin files from shader mcpack / build materials manually
- Move these files to data root
. (Make sure to backup all files in this folder) - Import resource pack and activate it in global resources.
- Use BetterRenderDragon to enable MaterialBinLoader.
- Import resource pack and activate it in global resources.
- Setup build evironment:
- Compile material src files:
- Setup build evironment:
- Compile material source files:
Available parameters for build script are:
-p Target platforms (android, windows, ios, merged)
-m Materials to compile (if unspecified, builds all material files)
-t Number of threads to use for compilation (default is cpu cores count)
eg: To build only terrain for Android and Windows, use
.\build.bat -p windows android -m RenderChunk
Compiled material.bin files will be at build/<platform>/
Shaders are not officially supported on MCBE.