
Kubernetes operator which will dynamically or statically provision AWS S3 Bucket storage and access.

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Kubernetes operator which will dynamically or statically provision AWS S3 Bucket storage and access.

Using the operator on a local cluster

The project uses a kind cluster for development and test purposes.


  • kind: v0.17.0
  • controller-gen > 0.4
  • kustomize >= 4.0
  • docker: latest version
  • golang >= 1.17


This script will create kind cluster, build image of the controller and deploy it, deploy kong ingress controller and will run local aws on cluster with ingress (localstack)

sh ./hack/scripts/runLocalEnv.sh # you might need to run this as sudo if a regular user can't use docker

Set up on non-local env


Run unit tests

go test ./controllers/... -v

Run system tests

The tests run against your local kind cluster and the localstack service that run on your cluster.

run tests:

    1. upload local env:
       1.1.  sh ./hack/scripts/runLocalEnv.sh
    2. go test ./tests/systemTest/system_test.go -v # -v flag for log all tests as they are run

Run integration tests

The integretion tests test the functionality of integration between deploying/update app to deploying new s3bucket

run tests:

  1. deploy local env -> see (Quick-Start)
  2. Run
    sh ./tests/integrationTests/testApp/uploadApp.sh
    go test ./tests/integrationTests/integration_test.go -timeout 120s -v

Development using Tilt

The recommended development flow is based on Tilt - it is used for quick iteration on code running in live containers. Setup based on official docs can be found in the Tiltfile.


  1. Install the Tilt tool
  2. Run
    sh ./hack/scripts/runLocalEnv.sh
  1. Run tilt up and go the indicated localhost webpage
> tilt up
Tilt started on http://localhost:10350/
v0.22.15, built 2021-10-29

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