
Adversarial examples for t-digest

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Experiments with t-digest and ReqSketch

Both t-digest and ReqSketch are recently proposed algorithms for estimating quantiles of a dataset, or equivalently, for approximating the cumulative distribution function. While there are many more quantile estimation algorithms (such as the Greenwald-Khanna algorithm or the KLL sketch), the advantage of these two is that they aim for more accurate results for extreme quantile queries, such as the 99.5th percentile, thus giving a better understanding of the tails of the distribution, compared to many previous algorithms. These two algorithms are nevertheless very different: ReqSketch comes with formal mathematical analysis, ensuring that such "relative-error" guarantees hold even on worst-case inputs at the cost of the sketch size depending logarithmically on the input stream length. On the other hand, the space used by t-digest is constant (which is set a priori), but there are no accuracy guarantees for it. Furthermore, t-digest works with numerical data only, while ReqSketch can be applied to any data with a total ordering, such as lexicographically ordered strings (as ReqSketch applies comparisons to items only, while t-digest relies on averaging of centroids as data arrives, and on linear interpolation to produce accurate rank estimates).

The t-digest is already known to perform very well on data drawn from uniform or normal distribution (because linear interpolation works well on such data) -- see the original paper or a comparison with the KLL sketch by the DataSketches library. The purpose of this repository is to provide a broader comparison. Namely, we provide the following four experiments with the two algorithms:

  1. A careful construction of a hard input (aka attack), which shows that t-digest may suffer a very large error. This implies that indeed there can be no formal accuracy worst-case guarantees for t-digest.
  2. A generator of i.i.d. samples from a specified distribution, e.g.: uniform, normal, log-uniform, and log-uniform^2.
  3. A study of the relative error of the two approaches for the log-uniform and log-uniform^2 distributions, as a key parameter (maxExp) varies.
  4. A comparison of the runtime of t-digest (for both the merging and clustering variants), ReqSketch and KLL sketch.

These experiments can be used to reproduce results in the paper 'Theory meets Practice at the Median: a worst case comparison of relative error quantile algorithms' to appear in KDD 2021 (Applied Data Science Track); arXiv preprint.

This repository is a clone of the Ted Dunning's repository for t-digest, also incorporating asymmetric scale functions from signal-fx/t-digest repository. We included the implementations of ReqSketch and the KLL sketch from the Apache DataSketches library. Finally, we developed new generators of instances for testing accuracy of these two algorithms and one test for comparing the speed, which are described below.

Running experiments

The first step is to compile the whole repository using Apache Maven in the core/ directory via, for example:

$ mvn clean install

To generate all required data to reproduce all plots and tables in the paper, run the following script in the core/ directory (see below for generating the plots):

$ ./RunAllExperiments.sh

Note that some experiments take up to several hours to finish, and only after that one can generate the plots. Experiment can be configured to require less time by reducing the number of trials or the input size, as described below.

Adjusting experiments

Alternatively, one can run all experiments one by one, with a possibility to adjust parameters. Before running any of the aforementioned experiments, we need to modify the CLASSPATH variable for Java:

$ export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:./target/classes:./target/test-classes"

Next, we run an experiment implemented as class [Class] (see below) with parameters specified in a configuration file using:

$ java -ea -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 com.tdunning.math.stats.[Class] [configuration files]...

We provide prepared configuration files in the core/resources/ directory (description of each parameter is inside the configuration file). The classes for the four tests are:

  1. com.tdunning.math.stats.CarefulAttack for the careful construction of a hard input for t-digest. There are three configuration files available:
    • core/resources/CarefulAttack_k_0_merging.conf -- for scale function k_0 and the merging variant of t-digest,
    • core/resources/CarefulAttack_k_0_clustering.conf -- for scale function k_0 and the clustering variant of t-digest, and
    • core/resources/CarefulAttack_k_3_clustering.conf -- for scale function k_3 and the clustering variant of t-digest (this one was not used in the paper).
  2. com.tdunning.math.stats.IIDgenerator for the generator of i.i.d. samples from a specified distribution; the prepared configuration file is core/resources/IIDgenerator.conf.
  3. com.tdunning.math.stats.LoguniformWithVaryingMaxExpGenerator to study the behavior of the relative error as a key parameter (maxExp) of the log-uniform or log-uniform^2 distributions varies; the prepared configuration file is core/resources/LoguniformWithVaryingMaxExpGenerator.conf.
  4. com.tdunning.math.stats.SpeedComparison for the comparison of the runtime of t-digest (using either the merging or clustering variant), ReqSketch and KLL sketch.

Each of these tests outputs a CSV file with generated results to a specified directory (which is data/results/ by default).

To generate the plots and tables in the paper, the following experiments should be run:

  • scenario 1. above with both CarefulAttack_k_0_merging.conf and CarefulAttack_k_0_clustering.conf to reproduce Figure 2
  • scenario 2. with:
    • IIDgenerator.conf as given to reproduce Figure 3
    • IIDgenerator.conf modified to use Distribution=loguniform to reproduce Figure 4
  • scenario 3. with LoguniformWithVaryingMaxExpGenerator.conf as given to reproduce Figure 5
  • scenario 4. with resources/SpeedComparison.conf as given to reproduce Table 1 and Figure 6

Note this can be sped up considerably by reducing the number of trials (parameter LgT) in the first two scenarios and reducing the input size (parameter LgNmax) in scenario 4, which may, however, cause the experimental results to be less accurate.

Creating plots

After generating results of the experiments as outlined above, from docs/python/adversarial_plots, run make install and then make notebook. Then run the entire error_plots notebook. This will both render the plots in the notebook, and save image files to docs/python/adversarial_plots/images/. Note that RunAllExperiments.sh will take some time to complete, so the data required by the notebooks will not be immediately available.

Run also the speed_comparison notebook, which plots the data resulting from scenario 3. above.

Additional plots

As the weak ordering of centroids plays a role in the t-digest error, we provide some plots to understand the nature of the weak ordering in the various scenarios.

Run scenario 1. (the careful attacks) with WriteCentroidData=true, CompareToSorted=true. (This will overwrite outputs with identical files if you have already run the experiment with the given configuration.) Run scenario 2. (the IID case) with writeCentroidData=true, DigestImpl=.

These generate outputs which are used by both the overlap_computation notebook and a cell in the error_plots notebook demonstrating the (theoretically clear) result that the carefully constructed input is not difficult for the t-digest when presented in sorted order.

The "local overlap" plots do not appear in the paper.


  • Merged all commits till Jan 28, 2021 from the main branch of Ted Dunning's repository for t-digest.
  • Code taken from the DataSketches library is as of Jan 29, 2021.
  • ReqSketch and KLL are implemented by the DataSketches library using the float data type, however, t-digest uses double. As we needed to work with the double type in our experiments, we switched the implementations of these two algorithms to double (essentially just using find/replace). Also, we recommend using JDK 8 since the DataSketches repo requires it (and t-digest is compatible with it).