This is library for work with Alice Yandex.Dialog API. Check the simple implemetation of the "Buy the Elephant" Game
The alice-kotlin-bot is using ktor library under the hood. By default it is looking at host with port 8080. For start working with alice-kotlin-bot you should add needed engine to your project dependency and set up webhook url:
alice {
webhook = "alice-webhook"
applicationEngineFactory = Netty
All events will dispatch by Dispatcher. Now it allow you to handle text messages and button click. Also it provides event when user start discussion by welcome
alice {
webhook = "alice-webhook"
applicationEngineFactory = Netty
dispatch {
welcome {
"Привет давай поиграем в игру \"Купи Слона\"".wrapToResponseData()
onClick(title = END_SESSION_BUTTON_TEXT) {
ResponseData(text = "Ну чтож, так и быть. Приходи в следующий раз.", endSession = true)
default {
ResponseData(text = "Все говорят \"${it.request.originalUtterance}\", а ты купи слона",
buttons = listOf(Button(title = END_SESSION_BUTTON_TEXT)))
If there is no handler which can handle event, default
handler will be called.
Each handler must return ResponseData. You can simply wrap text or buttons to the ResponseData
by using wrappers
For debugging without deploy you can use library which will retranslate your localhost to public server. For example ngrok
- Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle file:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
- Add the code to your module's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SavinMike:alice-kotlin-bot:0.1.0'