
Dotfiles for a arch based system

Primary LanguageLua

Dotfiles Arch Linux 2024

This repository manages dotfiles with GNU Stow. To install, clone the repository and run:

cd dotfiles

Note that the LightDM configuration resides in the /etc/lightdm directory, so you'll need sudo access to install it. During installation, you will be prompted to enter your password. The make command copies the default LightDM configuration to /etc/lightdm/defaults.

To remove symlinks and clean up the configuration, use:

make clean

Cleaning up will restore the LightDM's defaults from /etc/lightdm/defaults.

Window Manager: i3

Configuration: i3-config

Terminal: Alacritty

Configuration: term-config

Kitty config also available, but not fully configured.

dmenu: Rofi

Launch with $mod+d. Learn more about Rofi here.

Bar: Polybar

Custom theme based on the forest theme, with NVIDIA GPU (4090) specific modules.
Configuration: bar-config

screenshots: flameshot

launch GUI ss-gui

screen shot from CLI: ss

file manager

This configuration has a minimal terminal file manager with yazi

Login manager: lighdm

using lighdm-mini-greeter


window system: x

font: Inconsolata Nerd Font Mono

walpaper manager: nitrogen

autojump with j and zoxide with z (still deciding which one to keep)

dunst for notifications


Shell is managed using oh my zsh. Plugins are: archlinux, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions and autojump.

zsh prompt: pure

scripts and aliases

A custom bin folder is exported to $PATH from ~/.config/scripts.


  • t shortcuts for tmux.
  • ss screen shots the full screen. Saves to /home/$USER
  • ss-gui will launch the GUI tools for screen shots. You can crop and other edits before screen shooting.
  • caps_as_esc.sh aliased as cae for caps key to function as the esc key.
  • connect-bluetooth.sh. This is launched by systemd on boot to connect devices. New bluetooth devices to be added to this script.
  • clip. clips first argument to the clipboard using xclip. Also aliased as cpy.
  • package-backup get a package list from pacman, npm and pip, pipes the list to 3 text files and creates a new directory in $HOME/.packages with today's date to save those files.
  • tts text-to-speech current selection. This script bound to the mod + Shift + s in i3.


a will list only user defined aliases

  $> a
     alias shell-config="vim ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc"
     alias i3-config="vim ~/.config/i3/config"
     alias term-config="vim ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml"
     alias picom-config="nvim ~/.config/picom/picom.conf"
  • git-config launches gitconfig
  • shel-config launches zshrc
  • vim-config launches vim config folder
  • src to source zshrc
  • i3-config opens /.config/i3/config
  • term-config opens allacrity config file
  • bar-config opens polybar forest theme config file
  • rofi-config launches /.config/rofi/config.rasi