A collection of functions from the Standard C Library written in x86-64 Assembly.

Project Structure

The libasm source code can be found in the lib/ directory. The functions are made available to C via src/libasm.h.

Use make to compile and link the assembly code:

$ make

This will produce the binary bin/main. This binary will execute and run tests for all libasm functions. The output of both libasm and the Stardard C Library function calls will be returned when an error is encountered.

$ ./bin/main

strlen passed!
strchr passed!
memset passed!
memcpy passed!
strcmp passed!
memmove passed!
strncmp passed!
strcasecmp passed!
index passed!
read passed!
write passed!

make clean will clean up the binary and object files .

Running and Editing tests

You can find the tests in the src/main.c source file. Feel free to comment, edit or create new tests during your review process.

my_read and my_write use external files. These are found in the test_files/ directory. Note the my_write test will always create and delete the files during test.

Make sure you make clean after you make a change to src/main.c.

$ make clean && make $$ ./bin/main