My Blockchain

My blockchain is a simple implementation of a blockchain. Users can create nodes and chain data together in form of blocks. Furthermore, the program will automatically persist the data in memory to the file bin/saved_nodes.txt. The file will be then loaded in upon application launch. Note that data will only be persisted if the user exits the program using the quit command. The data in memory will be lost if the user exits using the interrupt command –^c.

Compile & Launch

Use make to compile the application

$ make

and run


You can also clean with

$ make clean


The prompt

The program will display information about the blockchain in the CLI. The prompt consits of a character and a digit. The character can be either an s for synced and - for unsyced blockchain. The digit tracks the number of nodes in the blockchain. Below an example of an unsynced 4 nodes blockchain.



 [s0]> ls [-l]

Lists all nodes in the blockchain. -l will also list the blocks contained on each node.

 [s0]> sync

This command will sync the blocks of all nodes in the blockchain. Synced nodes will have the exact same blocks though unorderly.

 [s0]> quit 

Quits and pesists data to file.

 [s0]> add node nid 

Adds a node indentified as nid to the blockchain. A nid MUST be an number.

 [s0]> rm node [nid | *]

Removes a node to the blockchain. Passing in a wildcard * will delete node in the blockchain.

 [s0]> add block bid [nid | *] 

Adds a block to a node. Omiting a node identifier will add the block to every available node in the blockchain. Passing in a wildcard * will add block in question to every subsquent node created. The * command will break whenever users issues a new block command like so add block block_name nid.

 [s0]> rm block bid [nid]

Similarly to rm node, if the user doesn't specify a nid the program will remove the block bid from every node in the blockchain.


This program is partially convered by unit testing. In order to run tests you need to install the check library. To run tests us make:

    $ make test