
AWS Tags Updater - Sync tags with all resources via sheet 🐏🐏

Primary LanguageGo

# AWS Tags Updater


wget https://github.com/PePoDev/aws-tags-updater/releases/download/v0.3.1/aws-tags-updater
chmod +x aws-tags-updater
mv aws-tags-updater /usr/local/bin

Getting Started

aws-tags-updater --help

AWS Tags Updater - Sync tags with all resources via sheet

  aws-tags-updater [flags]

  -i, --column-identifier string              Column to read identifier (default "Identifier")
  -t, --column-service-type string            Column to specific AWS service type (default "Service")
  -n, --column-tags-keys strings              Column name to get file to open (default [Name])
  -p, --column-tags-prefix column-tags-name   Column prefix to read as tags (Use with column-tags-name) (default "Tag:")
      --debug                                 Enable debug mode
  -f, --file string                           File to open
  -h, --help                                  help for aws-tags-updater
  -r, --region string                         AWS Region (default "ap-southeast-1")
  -s, --sheet string                          Sheet name
      --tags-ignore-value string              Value to ignore in tag column (default "(not tagged)")

aws-tags-updater --file example.xlsx --sheet Sheet1 --column-tags-keys Name,Owner,Environment

Supported Services

  • S3
  • EC2
  • RDS
  • EKS
  • SNS
  • KMS
  • ECS
  • EFS
  • Lambda
  • Cognito
  • CloudTrail
  • Cloudwatch
  • ElastiCache
  • CodeArtifact
  • Route53Resolver
  • Cloudwatch Events
  • CertificateManager
  • ElasticLoadBalancing
  • ElasticLoadBalancingV2

Unsupported Services

  • SSM
  • SES
  • CloudFormation