
Mental health web app designed to help users reduce stress through self-expression and mindfulness meditation.

Primary LanguageRuby

Zen Pen

Short Intro | Full Demo

Zen Pen is a mental health web app designed to help users reduce stress through self-expression and mindfulness meditation.

Zen Pen

Users can:

  • Create, tag, and search for journal entries
  • Access a library of guided meditation audios and add audios to favorites
  • View last seven days’ activities
  • Set goals

Table of Contents

  • Install Homebrew

    $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

  • Install Ruby

    $ brew install ruby

  • Install Rails

    $ gem install rails

Download This Project

  • Clone the repo and cd into the directory

  • Install dependencies

    $ bundle install

  • Migrate and seed

    $ rails db:migrate

    $ rails db:seed

  • Start rails server

    $ rails s



  • Receive a random prompt on click
  • Create a new rich-text entry using Rails Action Text
  • Edit and delete entries

Journal Search

Search by Click Search by Input

  • Search by clicking a tag or by inputting tag name, content, or title



  • Listen to a random guided meditation audio on click
  • Skip an audio
  • Favorite and un-favorite an audio

Goal Tracking

Goal Tracking

  • Create a meditation or writing goal
  • See percentage progress

Last Seven Days

Last Seven Days

  • See displayed activities for the last seven days, icons indicate whether a meditation session was completed and/or a journal entry was written



  • Register and login, edit and delete account
  • Ruby on Rails
  • SQLite3
  • Bootstrap
  • Active Record
  • Action Text: Trix Editor