Installation Steps

How to Implemanting firebase

  1. First you have go to and and click "go to console"
  2. Create new project do you want to build than click settings icon and after dropdown list click "projcet settings"
  3. click add web and enter your nickname web app and click config after that copy that config and save in firebase.js
  4. click authentication you can choose what you want use but i just use google after you have config that settings copy GOOGLE_ID and GOOGLE_SECRET and save in .env.local

IF you get some error in this case

Authorization Error Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy.

If you're the app developer, register the redirect URI in the Google Cloud Console.

you can just go this are GCP links to set web app config

  1. first you go to APIs & Services and click the credentials added new authorized link javascript origins you can added http://localhosst:3000
  2. and create URIs http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google

How use stripe into your app

1). you can go to this link to see the fiture and what you can get from this app 2). Click unto developers mode and see after dropdown you can click Documentation check to stripe checkout in sidebar link to get guide made app with stripe. Than you can click Accept a payment 3). That have a guide how to set up stripe in your workspace.

How to integrating Stripe CLI

  1. First you can go to stripe docs and got to Stripe CLI and than install that.
  2. Then you can run stripe.exe if you use windows in your cmd than you can write stripe login in CLI
  3. Then you can write this stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/webhook
  4. After that you have STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET=your_secret_key_you_get_from_cli

How to creating webhook

  1. First you have to install micro and firebase-admin and made webhook.js in api couse all in api folder run in backend with node.js
  2. After you have install all you have install permission from firebase go to console and click project settings then you can go to service accounts to generate new private key and than pull thae json file to you workspace and rename that to permisson

How to test payment with dummy card payment

use this code payment : 424242424242424
end exp 04/24
secure code: 424

How to get webhook from stripe

you have got admin dashboard and go to webhooks and add endpoints add your URL endpoint and than select event pick checkout.session.completed

Using npm

Run commands

  1. npm install

  2. npm run dev

Or using yarn

Run commands

  1. npm install --global yarn

  2. yarn install

  3. yarn run dev

What tech i us to build AMAZON 2.0!

1). Next.js
2). React.js
3). Redux.js
4). tailwindcss
5). firebase and firebase-admin
6). nextAuth.js
7). heroicons.js
8). axios
9). stripe
10). Web Hooks
11). micro