Test Interview

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Flow

Getting Started


  • Have nodeJs and npm/yarn be installed (for running in local machine)

  • Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/PeaceAntoHim/Frans-Interview.git
  • Run this command bellow to start to install all dependencies

    $ npm install
  • Run this command bellow to check all linter code and type error

    $ npm run lint
  • Run this command to start development server

     npm run dev
  • Run this command to build the project use vite

    npm run build
  • Run this command to view project after build

    npm run preview

Projects Structure




  • This app has 3 route:

  • First '/' for the login in this will go to login page. In here you need email and password to login, here credentials will be used:

  • Second '/home' after login you will go to home page, and have a view to list days and all days can be clicked but for monday you will got list must to buy

  • Third '/list-item' after click monday you will get all list to buy