Developing with Eclipse
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
Building JAR File
$ mvn package
Using the API
A Situation specification is comprised by two artifats: a SituationType child class definition and a Situation Rule declaration. The SituationType definition structures the situation in terms of participant entity types for which individuals will be casted in a situation occurrence. The Situation API provides an annotation (@SituationRole) in order to tag the class fields representing entity types which play a well-defined role on the situation.
A situation type declaration:
public MySituation extends SituationType { @Role(label = "label1") private Entity role1; ... @Role(label = "labelN") private Entity roleN; ... //GETTERS AND SETTERS }
Situation Rule
A situation rule defines which conditions must be satisfied in order to establish a situation type occurrence. In its LHS the condition patterns must be related to identifiers which represents situation roles as declared on the respective SituationType class. The framework binds SituationRole-annotated fields with Situation Rule's LHS identifiers (label binding) in order to automate situation instatiation.
A situation rule declaration:
rule "MySituationRule" @role(situation) @type(MySituation) when label1: Entity(<constraint 1>, ... ,<constraint N>) ... labelN: Entity(<constraint 1'>, ... ,<constraint N'>) then SituationHelper.situationDetected(drools); end
In the Situation Rule's consequence (RHS) the situationDetected API method must be called passing as argument the correct Situation Type class. In addition, the drools argument also passed into is a exclusive RHS object which comprises the rule activation context, containing, by example, the set of objects (facts) satisfying the rule instance.
Situation-Aware KnowledgeSession
//create new SituationKnowledgeBuilder KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = SituationKnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); // ADD YOUR DRL RESOURCES //create new Situation-Aware Knowledge Base KnowledgeBase kbase = SituationKnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(kbuilder);