Final project for 2023's 219114/115 Programming I

  • List of Files

    • Python Files
        • Main file to run and test the code
        • class Table (stores a list of dictionaries)
        • class DB (stores a list of Table instances with names)
        • class Read (for reading and updating CSV files)
        • Test function for this Python file only
        • Random project name for test
        • Keys for each table
        • Check function (only in some situations)
        • Update_all_csv function (update all current version CSV tables)
        • class Admin (for user type admin)
          • Command list for an admin role
            1. add_entry
              • Add a user to both the login and persons CSV files
            2. remove_entry
              • Remove a user from both the login and persons CSV files
            3. update
              • Update specific data in the CSV table
        • class Student (for user type student e.g. student, lead, member)
          • Command list for a student role
            1. Become lead
              • Make project and change role to lead (require new login)
            2. Check member pending request
              • Check the member pending table that contains the user id accept or don't do anything
          • Command list for a lead role
            1. Send invitation to member/s
              • Send request to students to be a member of the team
            2. Change update project
              • Update project detail or name
            3. Send request for advisor
              • Send request for advisor one at a time
            4. Submit project for evaluation
              • Submit the ongoing project and change it to pending
            5. Check status
              • Check the status of the project
          • Command list for a member role
            1. Change update project
              • Update project detail or name
            2. Check status
              • Check the status of the project
        • class Faculty (For user type faculty)
          • Command list for both faculty and advisor
            1. Check advisor pending request
              • Check the advisor pending table that contains the user id accept or deny
            2. Evaluate projects
              • Evaluate one of the pending project files
            3. See all projects
              • See all student project files
  • How to run my project

    • Proceed to and run that file
    • Enter username
    • Enter password
    • Select option
    • If finished continue use 'y', else stop and exit use 'n'
  • CSV Files

    • persons.csv
    • login.csv
    • Advisor_pending_request.csv
    • Member_pending_request.csv
    • Project.csv
  • Other Files and Folders

    • backup_csv_just_in_case
      • Contains original CSV files
    • (Add other files and folders as needed)
Role Action Method Class Completion
admin Begins admin role command and provide options for admin admin Admin 100%
admin Add entry for new user to the table add_entry Admin 100%
admin Remove entry of user from the table remove_entry Admin 100%
admin Update a specific value in the table admin_update Admin 100%
dev_only Show a table for admin update action show_table Admin 100%
student Begins student role command and provide options for student student Student 100%
student Change from lead role while create a new project only use by student as option 1 add_project Student 100%
student Check the table of user invitation to accept or leave it check_member_request Student 100%
lead Begins lead role command and provide options for lead lead Student 100%
lead Send an invitation to a student that doesn't belong in any project send_invite_member Student 100%
lead Send an invitation to a faculty only one at a time send_invite_advisor Student 100%
lead Submit project and change status to pending submit_project Student 100%
lead/member Update a name or the detail of your project update_project Student 100%
lead/member Check own project status e.g. pending, ongoing, number of A check_stat Student 100%
member Begins member role command and provide options for member member Student 100%
faculty/advisor Begins faculty/advisor role command and provide options for faculty staff faculty Faculty 100%
faculty/advisor Check the table of user invitation to accept or deny it check_faculty_request Faculty 100%
dev_only Find project of the group you want using id project_find_id_consider Faculty 100%
faculty/advisor Evaluation step: evaluate Faculty 100%
1. Let faculties pick the project to evaluate and approve
2. Check the detail and vote for A (Approve) or D (Decline)
3. For the project to be complete requirement is 2 A
faculty/advisor Show all projects show_project_table Faculty 100%
  • Missing function
    • I don't know what else to write, probably none
    • When I tested it there are no bugs