Using Git

Adding and Changing Things
Undo Changes and Recover Files
Viewing Commits
Branch and Merge
Commands for Remotes

Note on Paths

In this file, directory paths are written with a forward slash as on MacOS, Linux, and the Windows-Bash shell: /dir1/dir2/somefile.


  1. When using Git locally, what are these? Define each one in a sentence

    • Staging area - single checkout of one version of the project. These files are pulled out of the compressed database in the Git directory and placed on disk for you to use or modify.
    • Working copy - a file, generally contained in your Git directory, that stores information about what will go into your next commit. Its technical name in Git parlance is the “index”, but the phrase “staging area” works just as well.
    • master - default branch
    • HEAD - The HEAD is a reference that points to the master.
  2. When you install git on a new machxine (or in a new user account) you should perform these 2 git commands to tell git your name and email. These values are used in commits that you make:

    git config --global
    git config --global
  3. There are 2 ways to create a local Git repository. Briefly descibe each one:

    • git init
    • git clone <url>

Adding and Changing Things

Suppose your working copy of a repository contains these files and directories:
  1. Add and everything in the src directory to the git staging area.

    git add
    git add src/
  2. Add test/ to the staging area (but not any other files).

    git add
  3. List the names of files in the staging area.

    git status
  4. Remove from the staging area. This is very useful if you accidentally add something you don't want to commit.

    git rm
  5. Commit everything in the staging area to the repository.

    git commit -m "message"
  6. In any project, there are some files and directories that you should not commit to git.
    For a Python project, name at least files or directories that you should not commit to git:

    • .idea
    • .github
    • venv
  7. Command to move all the .py files from the src dir to the top-level directory of this repository. This command moves them in your working copy and in the git repo (when you commit the change):

    git mv src/*.py .
  8. In this repository, create your own .gitignore file that you can reuse in other Python projects. Add everything that you think is relevant.
    Hint: A good place to start is to create a new repo on Github and during the creation dialog, ask Github to make a .gitignore for Python projects. Then edit it. Don't forget to include pytest output and MacOS junk.

    touch .gitignore

Undo Changes and Recover Files

  1. Display the differences between your working copy of and the in the local repository (HEAD revision):

    git diff HEAD HEAD^
  2. Display the differences between your working copy of and the version in the staging area. (But, if is not in the staging area this will compare working copy to HEAD revision):

    git diff
  3. View changes to be committed: Display the differences between files in the staging area and the versions in the repository. (You can also specify a file name to compare just one file.)

    git diff --staged <file-path>
  4. Undo "git add": If has been added to the staging area (git add, remove it from the staging area:

    git reset


    git restore --staged
  5. Recover a file: Command to replace your working copy of with the most recent (HEAD) version in the repository. This also works if you have deleted your working copy of this file.

    git checkout
  6. Undo a commit: Suppose you want to discard some commit(s) and move both HEAD and "master" to an earlier revision (an earlier commit) Suppose the git commit graph looks like this (aaaa, etc, are the commit ids)

    aaaa ---> bbbb ---> cccc ---> dddd [HEAD -> master]

    The command to reset HEAD and master to the commit id bbbb:

    git reset bbbb
  7. Checkout old code: Using the above example, the command to replace your working copy with the files from commit with id aaaa:

    get checkout aaaa


    • Git won't let you do this if you have uncommitted changes to any "tracked" files.
    • Untracked files are ignored, so after doing this command they will still be in your working copy.

Viewing Commits

  1. Show the history of commits, using one line per commit:

    git log --oneline

    Some versions of git have an alias "log1" for this (git log1).

  2. Show the history (as above) including all branches in the repository and include a graph connecting the commits:

    git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all
  3. List all the files in the current branch of the repository:

    git ls-tree --name-only HEAD

    Example output:


Branch and Merge

  1. create new branch and move HEAD to new one
    git checkout -b <name>
  2. merge file
    git merge <id-branch>
  3. delete branch
    git branch -d
  4. Rename the branch locally
    git branch --move


1.upload your local commits to a remote repository

git push


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