
Pearadox's custom time logger

Primary LanguagePython

Adding people:
    ex: 0;Example Name0;example_picture.jpg;s
    ID Number = 0, Name = ExampleName0, Name of Picture = example_picture.jpg, Student/Mentor = s

    Mass Importing .csv files:
        1: name
        2: graduation year
        3: school (0 = Dawson, 1 = Pearland, 2 = Turner, 3 = None)
        4: picture name (blank = default.jpg)

Adding Pictures:
    Put the picture in data/profilepics. If the picture does not exist or
    the path is left blank, the default.jpg image will be used instead.

-Hours for a person are recorded whenever the person logs out
-Different scalings on different computers will mess up the UI
-to install pyqt5 on a raspberry pi run "sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5"