
Some ansible files for setting up a mac


Some ansible files for setting up a mac


  • setup sub repo for .dotfiles and add ansible instructions for cloning and gnu-stow for the copying the files
    • install zsh .zshrc + oh-my-zsh (save zsh config) + powerlevel10k .p10k.zsh
    • global .gitignore
    • nvim config ~/.config/nvim/
    • ~/.ideavimrc
    • setup relative numbers for vscode
  • ? setup ansible for ssh keys - allows you to keep .dotfiles private
  • add custom zshrc for work
  • learning tmux
    • add tmux installation
    • tmux sessionizer / windoizer - https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/.dotfiles/tree/master/bin/.local/scripts
    • tmux tldr chst
    • Server < session < window < pane
    • common commands
      • tmux a -> reattach to prev session
      • prefix key C-b -> tells tmux that tmux server needs to do something (tmux server in a command mode C-b d to exit)
      • tmux list-sessions
      • tmux new-session -d creates a new detached session
      • C-d [
  • learning vim
  • integrate foam / notes and todos into setup?


  1. install homebrew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)
  2. install ansible brew install ansible
  3. install ansible's community collection ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
  4. clone the repo git clone https://github.com/Pearcekieser/ansible.git
  5. run the playbook ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass local.yml
  6. log out and back in to apply settings changes


  • use ansible-pull -vvv for verbose output
  • defaults could not write ... -> make sure you are running in standard terminal and not iterm2


  • fonts
  • settings
    • use defaults read and defaults -currentHost read to get current settings
    • diff settings with diff a b context can be included with -U5
    • use defaults read-type to get the type of a setting
  • dock
  • mac settings