The Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer (PEcAn) is an integrated ecological bioinformatics toolbox.
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Create CalAdapt Download Functions
#3445 opened by dlebauer - 1
CRAN Compliance Issue: Broken and Redirected URLs in PEcAn's `data.atmosphere `
#3269 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 0
Getting Started: Contributing to PEcAn Project
#3468 opened by dlebauer - 3
Reflected XSS on 03-inputs.php file
#3400 opened by TwistedKnee - 2
Remove assumption that $modeloutdir == $outdir / "out"
#3439 opened by infotroph - 5
investigate commented-out phenology in do_conversions
#3411 opened by infotroph - 3
Can’t change x-axis on web interface plots
#3328 opened by dlebauer - 13
Pre-Built SIPNET Binary for GitHub Actions
#3427 opened by dlebauer - 10
Docker Pull failure : `arm64`
#3415 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 3
assim.batch: move `` and `` to `inst` folder
#3248 opened by infotroph - 1
Refactor SoilGrids functions
#3416 opened by dlebauer - 2
Can't find theme_border in PEcAn.visualization package
#3254 opened by odiche97 - 6
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Update Zenodo archive
#3399 opened by Aariq - 5
Fix broken links on the website
#3402 opened by harshagr70 - 0
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Eliminate model/ID-specific hacks in create_execute_test_xml (well, and everywhere)
#3410 opened by infotroph - 5
`docker.yml` Dockerhub Integration
#3404 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 5
Feature : Automated linting for files
#3280 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 4
Deprecate `PEcAn.logger` in favor of `log4r`?
#3223 opened by Aariq - 22
PEcAn license change
#3364 opened by infotroph - 0
Move repeated steps of docker.yml to a called workflow
#3374 opened by infotroph - 6
_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_ not needed after R 4.2.0
#3177 opened by infotroph - 3
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AmerifluxLBL: overwrite = FALSE clobbers raw zip files, overwrite = TRUE fails treating path as URL
#3381 opened by infotroph - 0
are github tokens no longer needed inside this image
#3369 opened by robkooper - 2
Remove data.hydrology from r-universe
#3361 opened by mdietze - 19
apps/api testing script fixes
#3284 opened by infotroph - 1
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Migrate AmerifluxLBL code to amerifluxr
#3329 opened by dlebauer - 0
Refactor `convert_input.R` to Optimise Workflow
#3307 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 1
Running CI and Renderbook workflow only for merge request, merge queue and Master Branch
#3187 opened by allgandalf - 0
read_restart: use `time_bnds` instead of `time_bounds` for CF compatibility
#3303 opened by infotroph - 3
Update endpoint for `Fluxnet2015`
#3172 opened by meetagrawal09 - 8
Should the new SIPNET test run on every PR or should it be scheduled on weekly basis
#3184 opened by allgandalf - 10
Improve PR Labeling
#3273 opened by allgandalf - 1
Incomplete Code in `met2CF.R`
#3289 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 5
Feature: Automate Tracking of PEcAn Package Dependencies Across the Project
#3286 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 2
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pecan.depends.R: `ensure_version` updates target package but not its dependencies
#3250 opened by infotroph - 1
Outdated Links in Documentations
#3245 opened by Sweetdevil144 - 28
GitHub actions failing
#3210 opened by robkooper - 0
Further reduce code duplication by setting the check command as a matrix variable
#3194 opened by allgandalf - 0
rabbitmq.out is not found by start_model_runs, job hangs
#3236 opened by istfer - 3
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#3182 opened by silver6633 - 0
Hyperlink redirects to wrong landing page
#3178 opened by allgandalf