A pure Typescript/Javascript implementation of XAdES based on XMLDSIGjs. (Keywords: WebCrypto, XMLDSIG, XADES, eIDAS, Trust List, X.509, CRL, OCSP)
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- 1
Run example but it produces an error message: 'XMLJS0014: WebCrypto module is not found'
#128 opened by Jairos2015 - 0
Generate a brazilian NFe signature standard node.
#141 opened by cmjunior - 3
Creating XADES-T signature from generated signature (hwcrypto) from eID cards
#133 opened by DigitalLeaves - 1
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asn1js Error: Too big integer - Unable to sign and verify Xades-EPES with pfx emitted by public authority.
#139 opened by bleikg9 - 0
How to create ds:Manifest in ds:Object?
#138 opened by AleBonny95 - 1
AllSignedDataObjects - undefined ?
#137 opened by asukisun - 0
adding countersign to an already signed xml doc
#136 opened by dzejdzi - 0
Add additional <ds:Object> to Signature
#135 opened by fmoessle - 1
Example for "Enveloping" signature.
#131 opened by sjichkar - 1
XADES-B with c14n error: Invalid digest
#125 opened by SergioSG-PNXT - 2
default reference created
#126 opened by SergioSG-PNXT - 0
Change the QualifyingProperties Target
#134 opened by shunkica - 6
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Import private key from .p12 file to sign an XML file with XAdES-BES Signature
#132 opened by jhcueva - 9
Can't verify XADES-BES signed file
#98 opened by uplink42 - 24
Help with XADES-EPES signature from .p12 cert
#122 opened by jsousa-Resulto - 1
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XMLJS0018: XML exception: OCSPValues doesn't have required 'parser' in @XmlElement
#119 opened by eidins - 3
XAdEs-T example
#117 opened by GLR21 - 9
SignedXml is not a constructor (Angular/Browser)
#95 opened by gabucito - 1
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Signing only part of xml
#106 opened by iasna - 1
Single Transform
#115 opened by QAnders - 4
Example to sign excel file
#114 opened by samuraitruong - 4
Truncated signd XML
#109 opened by johnhenga - 4
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Data does not match to PrivateKeyInfo ASN1 schema
#107 opened by VaLThieL - 1
XAdES XL Example
#104 opened by GohuApp - 5
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Signature xades-bes with pfx key
#78 opened by Clemenshemmerling - 12
The XADES-BES sign example does not work with IE11
#101 opened by gcie - 6
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XAdES validation fails with Reference URI=“” for document with stylesheet processing instruction
#94 opened by realtomaszkula - 10
Signature with file attachments
#97 opened by cholokla - 6
Parallel Signature support
#87 opened by brunovianarezende - 3
KeyInfo that contains the certificate x509
#76 opened by rmendoza83 - 6
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signer roles
#88 opened by Ulterior - 1
Adding a reference to the KeyInfo element
#86 opened by Zephidel - 6
How to make the DigestMethod algorithm not take default value DefaultDigestMethod?
#83 opened by Jairos2015 - 12
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Validate with Java XmlSignature
#79 opened by ebuyuk - 3
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no file associated with the signature
#74 opened by gponceleon