
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

LLM Support Bot


The backend contains the Python code for ingesting data from Github Discussions and Issues, writing that data to a vector database, and providing an API for responding to questions via an LLM and context from the database.

The frontend is a simple web interface for asking questions and getting answers from the API.


You can use Codespaces/Devcontainers to run this application. Start the remote dev container. From there, you can run make dev-api in a terminal to start the backend, and then open a new termianl and run make dev-web t to start the front-end.


If you choose to do manually installation, create a virutal environment and install dependencies for both python and node.

pyenv virtualenv 3.10 llm-support-bot
pyenv local llm-support-bot
make install


You will need some API tokens in order to run the bot.

# Only required to fetch new issues/disccusions to seed Vector Database
GITHUB_API_TOKEN:  Github API token with read:discussion permission scope

# Required for answering questions by the LLM

# Name of the model to use, e.g gpt4 or gpt-3.5-16k

# API Key to query Pinecone for embeddings

Start the backend:

make dev-api

Start the frontend

make dev-web