
Export PostgreSQL table or query into Parquet file

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PostgreSQL -> Parquet

Simple tool for exporting PostgreSQL tables into parquet, with support for more esoteric Postgres features than just int and text.


Download Binary from Github

Download the binary from Github Actions artifacts (click on the latest run, scroll to the bottom, choose your system).

From Sources

Install Rust and Cargo. Clone the repo.

cd cli
env RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release

It should finish in few minutes (~10 CPU minutes). Take the target/release/pg2parquet file, delete rest of the target directory (it takes quite a bit of disk space). You can optionally strip the binary, but you'll get poor stack trace if it crashes.

Basic usage

pg2parquet export --host localhost.for.example --dbname my_database --output-file output.parquet -t the_table_to_export

Alternatively, you can export result of a SQL query

pg2parquet export --host localhost.for.example --dbname my_database --output-file output.parquet -q 'select column_a, column_b::text from another_table'

You can also use environment variables $PGPASSWORD and $PGUSER

Supported types

  • Basic SQL types: text, char, varchar and friends, all kinds of ints, bool, floating point numbers, timestamp, timestamptz, date, time, uuid
  • Decimal numeric types
    • numeric will have fixed precision according to the --decimal-scale and --decimal-precision parameters
    • money is always a 64-bit decimal with 2 decimal places
  • json and jsonb: by default serialized as a text field with the JSON. --json-handling option allows setting parquet metadata that the column is JSON, but the feature is not widely supported, thus it's disabled by default.
  • xml: serialized as text
  • macaddr and inet: by default written out in text representation. It's possible to serialize macaddr as bytes or Int64 using --macaddr-handling option.
  • bit and varbit: represented as text of 0 and 1
  • Enums
    • By default serialized as text, use --enum-handling int to serialize them as integers
  • Ranges
    • Serialized as struct { lower: T, upper: T, lower_inclusive: bool, upper_inclusive: bool, is_empty: bool }
  • Arrays
    • Serialized as parquet repeated fields
    • Always serialized as single-dimensional arrays, and information about starting index is dropped
    • NULL is serialized as empty array (Parquet does not support NULL array without nesting it into another struct)
  • Composite Types
    • Serialized as Parquet struct type

Known Limitations (and workarounds)

  • Not all PostgreSQL types are supported
    • Workaround: Convert it to text (or other supported type) on PostgreSQL side --query 'select weird_type_column::text from my_table'
    • Please submit an issue
  • SSL/TLS is currently unsupported
  • I need the file in slightly different format (rename columns, ...)
    • Workaround 1: Use the --query parameter to shape the resulting schema
    • Workaround 2: Use DuckDB or Spark to postprocess the parquet file
      • DuckDB COPY (SELECT my_col as myCol, ... FROM 'export.parquet') TO 'export2.parquet' (FORMAT PARQUET);


> pg2parquet export --help

Exports a PostgreSQL table or query to a Parquet file

Usage: pg2parquet export [OPTIONS] --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE> --host <HOST> --dbname <DBNAME>

  -o, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>
          Path to the output file. If the file exists, it will be overwritten

  -q, --query <QUERY>
          SQL query to execute. Exclusive with --table

  -t, --table <TABLE>
          Which table should be exported. Exclusive with --query

      --compression <COMPRESSION>
          Compression applied on the output file. Default: zstd, change to Snappy or None if it's too slow
          [possible values: none, snappy, gzip, lzo, brotli, lz4, zstd]

  -H, --host <HOST>
          Database server host

  -U, --user <USER>
          Database user name. If not specified, PGUSER environment variable is used

  -d, --dbname <DBNAME>

  -p, --port <PORT>

      --password <PASSWORD>
          Password to use for the connection. It is recommended to use the PGPASSWORD environment variable instead, since process arguments are visible to other users on the system

      --macaddr-handling <MACADDR_HANDLING>
          How to handle `macaddr` columns
          [default: text]

          Possible values:
          - text:       MAC address is converted to a string
          - byte-array: MAC is stored as fixed byte array of length 6
          - int64:      MAC is stored in Int64 (lowest 6 bytes)

      --json-handling <JSON_HANDLING>
          How to handle `json` and `jsonb` columns
          [default: text]

          Possible values:
          - text-marked-as-json:
            JSON is stored as a Parquet JSON type. This is essentially the same as text, but with a different ConvertedType, so it may not be supported in all tools
          - text:
            JSON is stored as a UTF8 text

      --enum-handling <ENUM_HANDLING>
          How to handle enum (Enumerated Type) columns
          [default: text]

          Possible values:
          - text:
            Enum is stored as the postgres enum name
          - int:
            Enum is stored as an 32-bit integer (zero-based index of the value in the enum definition)

      --decimal-scale <DECIMAL_SCALE>
          How many decimal digits after the decimal point are stored in the Parquet file
          [default: 18]

      --decimal-precision <DECIMAL_PRECISION>
          How many decimal digits are allowed in numeric/DECIMAL column. By default 38, the largest value which fits in 128 bits
          [default: 38]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)