
Repository for the SlackBot I created for a university-friends channel.

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for the SlackBot I created for a university-friends channel.

For this bot u need to have Python 2 or 3 installed. It's also necessary to have pip and virtualenv. You can find a complete guide here, but I will give some insights here.

You should use the command: virtualenv CTcoder to create a new virtualenv, and then, everytime u need to put the bot online, activate the virtualenv with this command: source CTcoder/bin/activate.

You will also need to get the bot's id from Slack.

What does the bot do?

Right now it is possible to ask for the weather in a city. Soon will be added the possibility to see the forecast for that or any other city(5 days forecast). Right know the forecast only works for Aveiro,PT


  • hello weather (shows current temperature for the main Portuguese cities)
  • show weather city,country (shows current temperature for the indicated city)
  • show forecast city,country (shows 5 days forecast for the indicated city)