Solidity Audit Docker Toolkit

A collection of tools built with docker with 1 source directory for auditing..

This creates a drag and drop audit environment for security auditors with outputs from all tools in 1 location.


docker exec -it <container>

Add Foundry support

Install foundry

curl -L | bash

Then run this command to install Foundry:


  1. Create a sample Foundry project on your PC. To initiate a new project

run the following command:

forge init your_project

  1. Copy the lib/forge-std folder and the file foundry.toml from this sample project to auditFiles/<project> directory.

  2. edit the foundry.toml like so:

src = 'contracts'
out = 'out'
libs = ['node_modules', 'lib']
test = 'test/foundry'
cache_path = 'forge-cache'
  1. Create remappings.txt and add: