E-Commerce Node.JS API

About this project

This Node.JS based API was developed to simulate an e-commerce management system, regarding products and orders that end users could possibly interact with.

The RESTful interface would allow for quick, secure and efficient proccesses, while the integration with a database would register and persist data across multiple users and sessions.

Project's Folder and File Structure

Bold: Folders
Italic: Files

/api-------------------->Folder containing our resources and the respective routes and DB models.
      /models----------->MongoDB/Mongoose schemas/models for our persisted data objects.
           product.js------->MongoDB/Mongoose schema/model for product resources.
      /overview--------->Project overview in image format for better visualization.
            Simple(...).png-->Image for basic understanding of this APIs supported operations.
      /routes------------->Routes for our http requests, as well as supported http methods.
            orders.js-------->Route for our orders resources, also defining supported http methods.
            products.js----->Route for our products resources, also defining supported http methods.
/node_modules------->Standard directory for node.js packages.
app.js------------------->Main module, connecting all other modules to work together
nodemon.json---------->Contains the environment variable for DB connection. password
package-lock.json------>Detailed info on dependencies and packages needed for this API.
package.json----------->Simple info on dependencies, also contains custom scripts.
README.md------------>About this project, you are reading this file right now
server.js----------------->Sets up our server configuration and initialization