

  • Docker is required
  • After cloning the repo run "docker-compose up -d --build"
  • Access the container "document-manager-app" by using docker exec -it [container-id] /bin/bash
  • Inside the container run "composer install"
  • Inside the conainter run "php artisan migrate"

You made it! The project is ready to run! Have fun :)


It was created two api-endpoints to proccedd with part of the assingment: "/api/new-document-type" and "/api/new-document"

For "/api/new-document-type" here some important infos about settings:

  • it is not necessary set any Query Paramether
  • Authorization type is "No Auth"
  • No aditional header is necessary
  • At the body request is necessary to choose "form-data" and add two parameters:
    • "name" (text)
    • "type" (text)

For "/api/new-upload" here some important infos about settings:

  • it is not necessary set any Query Paramether
  • Authorization type is "No Auth"
  • No aditional header is necessary
  • At the body request is necessary to choose "form-data" and add two parameters:
    • "file" (type 'file' selected); The value should be a file to be uploaded
    • "name" (text); The value could be anything except for empty
    • "document_type" (text); The value should have the name of a document_type registered in the DB;