
Zedro's .dotfiles system configuration.

Primary LanguageLua


Installation instructions to my favourite digital tools.

Table o'Contents

~ Cloning ~ Setup zsh ~ Setup vim ~ Setup tmux ~ Setup Terminal ~ Other Utilities ~

Cloning zedro-dotfiles

git clone https://github.com/PedroZappa/zedro-dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

Create symlinks to .dotfiles in home directory.

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.gdbinit ~/.gdbinit
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.lnav ~/.lnav
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.xsessionrc ~/.xsessionrc

Setup i3

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/i3/config ~/.config/i3/config

Setup bash

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases

Setup zsh

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.zshenv ~/.zshenv
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc

Setup zap plugin manager

zsh <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zap-zsh/zap/master/install.zsh) --branch release-v1

Install starship prompt

curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml

Setup vim

Setup vim

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

Install vim-plug

# Install vim-plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

mkdir -p ~/.vim ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/backup ~/.vim/colors ~/.vim/plugged

# Install desired color scheme
cd ~/.vim/colors
curl -o molokai.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomasr/molokai/master/colors/molokai.vim
curl -o dracula.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dracula/vim/210e0961b9bd765b5b46a84d0631271ee8e6af64/colors/dracula.vim

Setup neovim

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/nvim/ ~/.config/

Setup tmux

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.tmux.conf.local ~/.tmux.conf.local

Install oh-my-tmux

git clone https://github.com/gpakosz/.tmux.git
ln -s -f .tmux/.tmux.conf

Setup kitty

curl -L https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/installer.sh | sh /dev/stdin
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/kitty/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf

# Add kitty to path
sudo ln -s ~/.local/kitty.app/bin/kitty /usr/local/bin/

# kitty dracula theme
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/kitty/dracula.conf ~/.config/kitty/dracula.conf
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/kitty/diff.conf ~/.config/kitty/diff.conf

Other Utilities

Setup btop

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/btop/btop.conf ~/.config/btop/btop.conf
# mc config
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/mc/ini ~/.config/mc/ini
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/mc/panels.ini ~/.config/mc/panels.ini

# Dracula Color Scheme
# dracula
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/mc/skins/dracula.ini ~/.local/share/mc/skins/dracula.ini
# dracula256
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/mc/skins/dracula256.ini ~/.local/share/mc/skins/dracula256.ini

Install neofetch

sudo apt install neofetch
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/neofetch/config.conf ~/.config/neofetch/config.conf

Config bat

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/bat/config ~/.config/bat/config

Config WeeChat

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/weechat/weechat.conf ~/.config/weechat/weechat.conf
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/weechat/plugins.conf ~/.config/weechat/plugins.conf
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/weechat/buflist.conf ~/.config/weechat/buflist.conf
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/weechat/spell.conf ~/.config/weechat/spell.conf
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/weechat/scripts.conf ~/.config/weechat/scripts.conf
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/spotify-tui ~/.config/spotify-tui
