- Live Site URL: - Poke Shop
Your users should be able to:
- (V) View the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
- (V) See hover states for all interactive elements throughout the site
- (V) Add new item to the cart
- (V) See the items in the cart even when the pages reloads
- (V) Search a pokemon by name
- (V) Change the item quant in the CartPage
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Grid
- CSS Animations
- CSS Transitions
- CSS Transform
- CSS Animate.css library
- CSS CSS-animated delicious hamburgers library
- Sass
- Sass Variables
- Sass Mixins
- Vue.JS
- VueX
- Vue Router
- Mobile-first workflow
This project teached me a lot: I had to learn new js functions such as map and reduce, how to better organize my store with modules, how to create and export js files so I can reuse them in other components, how to use router-view transitions, how to work with pagination & carousel components and how to better work with promises.
While working in this project I realized that promises can be confusing, so I want to create another project with APIs to get used to it.
- Delicious Hamburgers
- CSS-Pokeball
- CSS Transitions
- How To - Hide Arrows From Input Number
- Select penultimate element
- The basics of mapState
- My Portfolio - portfolio
- Instagram - @ph_pedrohenrique21