
Minecraft world editting lib

Primary LanguageRuby


RubyCraft is a simple library for manipulating Minecraft region files. Installation is as simple as:

$ gem install rubycraft

Region files are files with the mcr extension on the region folder of a save folder. The save folders are located below the saves folder of the minecraft data folder (for instance, on Linux it is ~/.minecraft/saves/$SAVENAME/region, and on mac it is ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/$SAVENAME/region). More about save folders here.

Quick Example

    filename = " ~/.minecraft/saves/$SAVENAME/region/r.0.0.mcr"
    r = Region.fromFile(filename)
    r.chunk(0, 0).block_map { :gold }
    r.exportToFile filename

For more examples, check the examples folder.


When getting many chunks from Region#chunk method, don't forget to invoke Region#unloadChunk(z, x). This way the chunk will not occupy memory.

Alternatively you can use the Region#cube method. Example

          r = Region.fromFile(filename)
          c = r.cube(0, 0, 0, :width => 50, :length => 50, :height => 128)
          c.each do |block, z, x, y|
                 block.name = :wool
                 block.color = :orange

It receives the z, x, y of the origin point of the cube, and its respective width, length and height. The chunk load/unload is abstracted way on this interface. The cube can receive a block, or it will return an Enumerable that iterates over the blocks of the cube. The proc receives four arguments: the block, and its relative coordinates to the cube's origin point.


Chunks are both enumerable and indexable:

   chunk[0, 0, 0].name = :gold
   chunk.each { |block| block.name = :gold }

Note that chunks have size 16x16x128 (width, length, height). Usually you don't create chunks directly, but get them through Region#chunk method.


Blocks have 3 attributes: block_type, pos and data. Block type tells the name, id and transparency (boolean) of the block. The pos attribute indicates the position of the block inside its chunk, and data is the integer data value.

Id is not usually accessed directly, as the name attribute provides a more friendly interface. For wool blocks, changing the color directly is also possible in a more friendly way.

     block.name = :wool
     block.color = :purple
     p block.color




Created by Daniel Ribeiro

Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
