
A Discord Bot for scraping a private leaderboard for AoC

Primary LanguageGo

AOC Leaderboard bot

This is an Bot that scrapes a private Leaderboard and sends a notification through a webhook to a Discord channel.


CLI Flag Description Environment Variable Required Default Value
-u URL of the leaderboard AOC_URL Yes
-c Cookie for authentication AOC_COOKIE Yes
-f path of the leaderboard file AOC_DB_PATH No ./leaderboard.json
-w Webhook URL to send star information AOC_WEBHOOK_URL Yes

Where do I get the Info?

The cookie is a session cookie that you can extract from your browser after you logged in on the aoc website, there you can open the console and find the session cookie when accessing the leader board for example.

The Leaderboard URL will look something like this https://adventofcode.com/2023/leaderboard/private/view/1234567. Just copy it and append .json to it. (https://adventofcode.com/2023/leaderboard/private/view/1234567.json)

The rest should be self explanatory. If you want to use a thread for the messages, append ?thread_id=<number> to the discord webhook URL.