
Keeps your classes from getting too close.

Leave room for the Holy Ghost

Are you going to the RSpec dance? That cute model's going to be there. She's been sending me messages all week. I can't wait to get her out on the floor. As long as the chaperone doesn't ruin it...


The Chaperone will keep your classes safe and responsible. Hanky panky on the dance floor? Tight coupling in the corner? Not on the Chaperone's watch!

Just give him a copy of the guest list.

Chaperone.separate User, NewsItem

Now just let your classes try to get too close:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_create { |user| NewsItem.create!(:title => "A new user #{user.name} joined!") }

describe User do
  it "should have a name" do
    User.create!(:name => "Jill").name.should == "Jill"

Then see how far they get.

Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'User should have a name'
Mock 'NewsItem' received unexpected message :create! with ({:title=>"A new user Jill joined!"})

A little space, please! No coupling here!

describe User do
  it "should have a name" do
    User.create!(:name => "Jill").name.should == "Jill"

No hidden dependencies. Everything's in plain sight so you don't have to worry about your classes doing anything inappropriate. And that's how the Chaperone likes it.

(Coming soon.)