About this repo

Written by @helenamerk, initially released inside OrangeDAO and republished for public use.

yc-auth is a react app that lets people signin with their bookface login. Enjoy!

backend/src/signin-with-yc.js is a simple script that you can take a look at and modify for your needs. If you want auth on the backend, you want to plop that logic in there somewhere.

Try out the demo here: https://3000-ycauth-vw0t-glimpse.brev.sh/

Or run the demo, npm start in backend (port 8080) and frontend (port 3000). Enjoy!


Appropriate Uses

  1. Verify someone is YC before admitting them. For example, into the Orange DAO discord community.
  2. Populate YC profile


This is (1) not an official signing with YC library and (2) not for scraping any YC information. If you scrape, YOU will get banned from bookface. If you build an app that allows other to spam, they will get blocked. Do NOT publish YC data outside of bookface.

Contribution Requests

  • better styling
  • a "login with yc" badge