Peerlyst community

Peerlyst is building a community where information security pros can team up for a better future—for themselves and their enterprises. Home base for security leaders, Peerlyst is where you go to find knowledge and learn from experts, as well as to build your own professional reputation by sharing what you know. Whether you want to spread news, ask a question, create a resource, or share expertise and product insights, Peerlyst gives you an audience of more than half a million security professionals.

Peerlyst’s vision is a future where information is more transparent and security projects become simpler and faster. We are working with people like you help transcend the fragmented security market and create transparency, so you don’t need to pay analysts and vendors to guide you through your projects.

Our founder, Limor Elbaz, came up through the security ranks, starting in the Israeli Air Force and moving on to become co‐founder and CTO of Sansa Security (acquired by ARM), the security provider of the Samsung Galaxy platform. Limor led the security lab and later corporate development at Finjan (now Trustwave) and Imperva (NYSE: IMPV). She founded Peerlyst in San Francisco in 2011, putting together a team of idealistic engineers and security experts who are determined to make InfoSec pros’ jobs easier and enterprises safer

Why are we including this on Github? because we know that security professionals are sometimes here, on Github, creating resources that can help their peers. Some of the resurces are word documents or excel sheets, and some are code. We want to encourage our users to share technical content and tools that can help the community to be stronger.

Why should you join?

  1. No more RSS readers. Staying on top of security news is hard, and can be quite spammy when sales people get involved. We allow you a personalized feed comprised from the contribution of peers that you follow, news from 500 curates blods that we tag and show on your feed based on relevance, and selective high quality content that we think you'd like to see.

  2. No more mailing lists. When you want to discuss an issue, you no longer need to manage a mailing list of all the people with similar interest as you. Simply post it on Peerlyst and the relevant people will see it. And - you can invite people that you don't know based on their expertise tags. So you can be discussing topics with the right people, even if you don't know them, and get help instantly.

  3. Build your reputation. Peerlyst is anyone can quickly see what are your expertise and what you're "about" without cross referencing your blog, Linkedin account, Twitter, Facebook etc. You can always show future employers what you know effortlessly. And you can be sure that everything you write, gets to people in security. No more meaningless views and comments. Ob Peerlyst, every post gets high quality engagement.

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