
Analysis and Prediction of the Customer Churn Using Machine Learning Models (Highest Accuracy) and Plotly Library

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Customer Churn Prediction and Analysis 😁😡 license releases Open In Colab nbviewer

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Dataset 📔

Kaggle link: Telco Customer Churn

Github link: Telco Customer Churn

Objectives 🏆

In this project, these questions will be answered:

  • What's the % of Customers Churn and customers that keep in with the active services?
  • Is there any patterns in Customers Churn based on the gender?
  • Is there any patterns/preference in Customers Churn based on the type of service provided?
  • What's the most profitable service types?
  • Which features and services are most profitable?
  • Which features have the most impact on predicting customers churn?
  • Which model is the best for predicting churn?

Project's Table of Contents ✍️

Click to expand!
  1. Problem statement
  2. Import Libraries and Data
  3. Handling Missing Values
  4. Data Analysis and Visualization
  5. Outlier Detection
  6. Check for Rare Categories
  7. Categorical Variables Encoding
  8. Balance Data
  9. Dataset Splitting
  10. Feature Scaling
  11. Modeling and Parameter Optimization
  12. Feature Importance
  13. Results

Libraries 📚

application libraries
handle table-like data and matrices pandas, numpy
visualisation plotly, seaborn, missingno
classification models sklearn, xgboost, mlens
balance data imblearn