
Ruby LEGO Mindstorms NXT Control

Primary LanguageRuby


Control a Lego NXT 2.0 brick using Ruby code. This library works by piping commands over a serialport connection to the brick, allowing you to write Ruby scripts to control your bot. This means you can use both the Bluetooth and USB serial ports provided on the brick as interfaces within your code.

This project used to be based on "ruby-nxt", and Tony Buser's subsequent rewrite "nxt". It is now a complete rewrite, based heavily in some parts on the aforesaid projects internally, but with a brand new external API that should prove cleaner and easier to work with.

This code implements direct command, as outlined in "Appendix 2-LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Direct Commands.pdf". Not all functionality is implemented yet!

Getting Started

Connect to Your NXT Brick

In order to start coding with your NXT, you'll need to set up either a Bluetooth or USB connection to it. Follow one of the below set of steps, and make a note of the /dev/* address you end up using to point to the NXT.

Creating a Bluetooth Serialport Connection

For instructions on creating a bluetooth serialport connection:

Creating a USB Serialport Connection


Once you have your NXT Connected

Documentation and Examples

The NXT project has been heavily documented using nice, clean, human readable markdown. YARD is used to generated the docs, and the options have been included in our .yardopts file, so simply run a YARD server to read them:

yard server

This documents the API, both internal and external. For bite-sized chunks of NXT code that is much more appropriate for beginners, have a look at the examples.

In addition to this, you might find the tests quite helpful. There are currently only RSpec unit tests, which can be found in the spec directory; the plan is to add some decent feature tests soon.