Theory of Temporal Difference Learning Dynamics for High Dimensional Features from our recent preprint.
The notebook contains code to reproduce the experimental tests of the theory from the paper.
- Install required packages.
# Create a new conda environment (if needed)
mamba create --name rl_learning_curves python=3.10
mamba activate rl_learning_curves
# Required packages
mamba install tqdm seaborn joblib gym=0.26.1 -y
# OR
# pip install gym==0.26.1
mamba install jaxlib=*=*cuda* jax=0.4.21 -y
- Get samples using
Since it takes a lot of time to sample the policy, we sample the environment in parallel first and then run the TD algorithm.
episode_length = 350 # steps for each episode
num_episode_per_batch = 1 # how many episodes per batch
num_batch = 1_000_000 # how many batches in total
num_envs = 4 # how many environments to sample in parallel
save_every = 50_000 # save to disk every num_batch * num_episode_per_batch // num_envs // save_every episodes
seed_offset = 0 # the seed for the first environment (therefore the program will use seed_offset + 1, seed_offset + 2,
# ... for the other environments)
You can specify the variables using command line arguments. For example:
python -m simulation.mountain_car_get_samples \
--num_envs 32 \
--num_episodes 10000000 \
--seed_offset 0
- Run policy evaluation using the sampled episodes. You can specify the command line arguments as follows.
XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_MEM_FRACTION=.25 python -m simulation.mountain_car_jax \
--seed_offset 0 \
--num_episode_per_batch 1,2,4,8 \
--num_episode_per_batch_true_value 1 \
--num_batch 1000000 \
--num_batch_true_value 10000000 \
--num_envs 4 \
--lrs 0.1 \
--sample_path res/samples
XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_MEM_FRACTION=.15 python -m simulation.mountain_car_jax \
--seed_offset 0 \
--num_episode_per_batch 1 \
--num_episode_per_batch_true_value 1 \
--num_batch 1000000 \
--num_batch_true_value 10000000 \
--num_envs 5 \
--lrs 0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2 \
- Plot the results
python plot/
python plot/
python plot/
python plot/