
Torch package for metric learning.

Primary LanguageLua

Metric learning

This package contains Torch7 implementations of metric learning algorithms.


Installation of the package can be performed via:

luarocks install metriclearning


Below is a simple example of the usage of the package:

-- package:
m = require 'metriclearning'

-- a dataset:
X = torch.randn(100, 10) -- 100 samples, 10-dim each
Y = torch.squeeze(X:index(2, torch.LongTensor{1}))
Y:apply(function(x) if x < 0 then return -1 else return 1 end end) -- corresponding labels

-- learn Mahalanobis metric using LMNN:
M = m.lmnn(X, Y)


The following demos are currently provided:

cd demos
th demo_nca.lua
th demo_lmnn.lua
th demo_itml.lua