
banner edit area


Step 0. Requirements

  • NeoVim with version 0.8.0 or higher
  • Ripgrep installed (required by Telescope)

Step 1. Install Package Manager - Packer

We use packer.nvim to manage various plugins, you can refer to this for installing.

Step 2. Clone This Repository

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Step 3. Install Plugins

Type :PackerSync to install required plugins after entering nvim.

Step 4. Install Lsp

Type :Mason and choose 2 to install desired lsp such as pyright.

Step 5. Enjoy Coding

Until now, your editor should start working with rich convenient features. Note that there are language-specific features, such as syntax highlighting, that you may need to further set up depending on your desired language, see the section below (Setup for New language).

Project Structure

├──  # the file you are reading
├── init.lua  # initialization file of nvim, reference all other config files
├── lua
│   ├── keybindings.lua  # setup keybindings
│   ├── options.lua  # tweak the default settings of nvim
│   ├── plugin-config  # contain the config files of plugins
│   │   ├── bookmarks.lua  # bookmarks plugin
│   │   ├── bufferline.lua  # make the buffer act like a label page
│   │   ├── gitsigns.lua  # git-realted support
│   │   ├── lspsaga.lua  # enhance lsp experience, scan this file for lsp-related shortcuts
│   │   ├── lualine.lua  # the status line
│   │   ├── mason-lspconfig.lua  # lsp support
│   │   ├── mason.lua  # lsp support
│   │   ├── nvim-cmp.lua  # autocomplete support
│   │   ├── nvim-lspconfig.lua  # lsp support
│   │   ├── nvim-tree.lua  # file tree
│   │   ├── nvim-treesitter.lua  # highlight support
│   │   ├── startup.lua  # the banner of nvim
│   │   ├── tidy.lua  # remove trailing whitespace and empty line
│   │   └── ufo.lua  # code fold
│   ├── plugins.lua  # the config file of Packer, deciding the used plugins
│   └── theme.lua  # setup themes


The keymap of various functions is defined in two places including keybindings.lua and the config files of the plugin (e.g., lspsaga.lua). You can use grep -rn 'keymap' ./ under the root of the project to find the settings.

Setup for New language

This project support the languages such as C, C++, python as default. There are some stuffs required to do after introducing new languages. Suppose I wanna make this project support html language in the following steps.

Step 1. Download New LSP Server

Type :Mason in nvim and download the lsp server of newly introduced language. For example, if I wanna make this projec support html language, I will choose html-lsp html and press i for installation.

Step 2. Enable LSP Client

Append require('lspconfig').html.setup {} to lua/plugin-config/nvim-lspconfig.lua.

Step 3. Enable Autocomplete

Append require('lspconfig')['html'].setup { capabilities = capabilities } to lua/plugin-config/nvim-lspconfig.lua.

Step 4. Enable Tree-sitter Support

Type :TSInstall html in nvim.