Lovys Project
Lovys Tech Challenge - API for calendar interview - Documentation
The purpose of the challenge was to create an API for calendar interview, where both the candidate and the interviewer would have to register their availabilities, and only 1-hour period with the am|pm time format are accepted. It will be possible to obtain the available times for interviews of a candidate with one or more interviewers.
I choose to create two projects Lovys.WebApp and Lovys.Core, each with his test project.
- Controllers using Rest API naming patterns
- Validation using FluentValidation, Regex to validate availability time input
- JWT Authentication
- Swagger documentation
- Entity Framework in-memory database
- Test classes for all controllers
- Moq, Nunit e Shouldly
- Folder pattern per module (in this case, there is only the Calendar module)
- Use of Repository, Service, Entities, DTO patterns
- Customization in NewtonsoftJson serialization
- Moq, Nunit e Shouldly
- Azure Cloud - App Service