
Simple application which uses Spring Boot, Swagger and contains the Maven plugin to generate Docker Images.

Primary LanguageJava


Simple application which uses Spring Boot, Swagger and contains the Maven plugin to generate Docker Images. Example about docker-compose too.

First part:

If you want to start you should run the class "AppDockerizada" like a simple main. In addition, you have to install Mongo service and run it.

Ubuntu -> https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/ Windows -> https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/

There are three different endpoints:

localhost:8090/healthCheck -> it checks if the application has run correctly.

localhost:8090/generateChange -> it changes a text to uppercase, it is a simple POST method, the importance of this project is that you can use Swagger, Spring Boot and generate a Docker image. Example: RequestBody {"text":"JAIME"}. ResponseBody {"text":"IÑIGO", "change":"jaime"}

localhost:8090/getAllChanges -> it shows all the changes that the application has done.

localhost:8090 -> You can see the endpoints with Swagger Documentation.

Second part:

If you want to generate the Docker Image of this application you should change the class com.demo.docker.config.SpringMongoConfig and uncomment return new MongoClient("mongo"); and comment the other one. After that you have to put in a terminal: mvn clean package docker:build.

You can use docker-compose to connect this docker with a Mongo Docker. The docker-compose should be this one:

version: "2"
    image: mongo:latest
    container_name: mongo
    - "27017:27017"

  image: demo-docker:latest
  container_name: demo-docker
     - "8090:8090"
     - mongo

You can use the endpoints, but the difference is that you are connecting to the Docker-compose.