
An implementation of ArnoldC in Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This project is a simple implementation of ArnoldC. The latter is an esoteric programming language whose statements are some of Arnold Schwarzenegger's quotes. The Interpreter itself is written in Ruby.

Be aware that this project only implements the most essential aspects of the language ArnoldC. Continue reading the documentation for further elaboration.

Table of contents

About the language ArnoldC

Most languages implement concepts such as variables, functions, conditional, etc. ArnoldC also supports said features. Further details are listed below.

The main function

Every ArnoldC program declares a main function which is executed immediately after all top-level functions have been declared. Its body is enclosed between two keywords as shown below:

    # Main function body


Program output is written via the following statement:

talk_to_the_hand 42


This implementation is not statically typed. There are only two types: non-negative integers and functions. All operations except function invocation and equality comparison work solely on numbers.


Variables can store information for later use in the program's flow. They can store numbers as well as functions (more on that later). They are declared in the following fashion:

get_to_the_chopper _var_name  # declares the variable
    here_is_my_invitation 42  # sets the initial value of the variable
enough_talk  # ends the variable declaration

Variables must be initialized i.e. it is not possible for variables to not contain a value (a number or a function).

They can later be referenced in other statements via their variable name:

talk_to_the_hand _var_name  # prints 42

Operations on variables

Evaluation of different operations such as arithmetics require that an initial value be set to the mentioned variable. Furthermore, operations must be executed within the variable's declaration. After the variable has been declared its value can not be altered. All operations have equal priority.


There are five arithmetic operations:

get_up 42  # addition
get_down 42  # subtraction
youre_fired 42  # multiplication
he_had_to_split 42  # division
i_let_him_go 42  # modulo division

Example usage:

get_to_the_chopper _var
    here_is_my_invitation 42
    get_up 8
    he_had_to_split 2

talk_to_the_hand _var  # outputs 25

Logical operations

In ArnoldC 0 is considered as untruth while all other values are considered to be truth.

There are two logical constants for 0 and 1 (respectively untruth and truth):

i_lied  # equal to 0 (untruth)
no_problemo  # equal to 1 (truth)

This implementation supports only the logical operations AND and OR.

knock_knock 1  # logical AND
consider_that_a_divorce 0  # logical OR

AND returns the operand which evaluates to untruth (if both operands evaluate to untruth then both their values are equal to 0 so it does not matter which operand is returned).

get_to_the_chopper _var
    here_is_my_invitation 0
    knock_knock 1

talk_to_the_hand _var  # outputs 0

OR returns the first operand which evaluates to truth (if both operands evaluate to untruth then both their values are equal to 0 so it does not matter which operand is returned).

get_to_the_chopper _var
    here_is_my_invitation 42
    consider_that_a_divorce 21

talk_to_the_hand _var  # outputs 42

Logical NOT and XOR are no supported by this project.


Only two comparison operators are implemented in this interpreter: greater than (>) and equal to (==). Both return either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

let_off_some_steam_bennet 42  # > 42
you_are_not_you_you_are_me 42 # == 42

The equality operator also works on functions by evaluating their identity (i.e. are they the same Ruby object in memory).

Example usage:

get_to_the_chopper _var
    here_is_my_invitation 42
    let_off_some_steam_bennet 21

talk_to_the_hand _var  # outputs 1 


Conditionals are supported by the ArnoldC Interpreter. There are three keyword phrases which are used to define conditionals.

because_im_going_to_say_please _condition
    # body which is executed if the condition evaluates to truth
    # body which is executed if the condition evaluates to untruth
you_have_no_respect_for_logic  # ends the definition of the conditional

The else clause (i.e. 'bull_shit') can be omitted in which case no code will be executed if the condition does not evaluate to truth.

Nested conditionals are also supported.

get_to_the_chopper _condition
    here_is_my_invitation no_problemo

because_im_going_to_say_please _condition
    because_im_going_to_say_please _condition
        talk_to_the_hand 11
        talk_to_the_hand 22
    talk_to_the_hand 33
    because_im_going_to_say_please _condition
        talk_to_the_hand 44
    talk_to_the_hand 55

# outputs 11 and 33


Alongside numbers functions are the other type supported in ArnoldC.


Functions are declared via the statements the following statements:

listen_to_me_very_carefully _func  # declares a function named '_func'
    # function body
hasta_la_vista_baby  # ends the function declaration

By default all functions are void i.e. they do not return a value. Functions can be declared as non-void via the statement 'give_these_people_air'. Non-void functions must return a value via the statement 'ill_be_back'.


listen_to_me_very_carefully _func
    ill_be_back 42  # returns 42

If a return value has not been specified, the function will return 0 by default.

Void functions can also contain a return statement but the actual value specied to be returned is ignored by the interpreter.

The return statement breaks the control flow of the function which means that all statements after the executed return statement are ignored and not evaluated.

listen_to_me_very_carefully _print_something
    talk_to_the_hand 42
    talk_to_the_hand 21  # is not executed

# outputs 42

Functions can also have their own parameters which can be referenced in the function's body:

listen_to_me_very_carefully _times_two
i_need_your_clothes_your_boots_and_your_motorcycle _x  # declare a parameter
    get_to_the_chopper _x_times_two
        here_is_my_invitation _x  # parameter value accessed here
        youre_fired 2

    ill_be_back _x_times_two


Functions can be invoked via the keyword phrase 'do_it_now' followed by said function's name. If the funcion defines any parameters they are passed successively by seperating them with commas. If a non-void function is invoked, its return value must be assigned to a variable via the statement 'get_your_ass_to_mars'.


# function invocation with no parameters
do_it_now _some_func

# function invocation with parameters
do_it_now _print, 42

# function invocation with return value
get_your_ass_to_mars _result
do_it_now _times_two, 42

Nested functions

Functions can be defined within other functions. After that the inner functions can be invoked and returned within the outer function.

listen_to_me_very_carefully _outer
    listen_to_me_very_carefully _inner
        talk_to_the_hand 42

    do_it_now _inner  # prints 42
    ill_be_back _inner  # returns the inner function which can be invoked elsewhere

Note that a function's inner functions are not accessible to other functions that share the former's scope. Continuing the previous example, the following code is invalid and will result in an error

# ... previous example code

    # ... code
    do_it_now _inner  # fails to execute this statement
    # ... code

A function does not redefine its inner functions when invoked multiple times. This behaviour can be illustrated by continuing the first example:

# ... code from first example

    get_your_ass_to_mars _first_invocation
    do_it_now _outer

    get_your_ass_to_mars _second_invocation
    do_it_now _outer

    get_to_the_chopper _identical_inner_functions
        here_is_my_invitation _first_invocation
        you_are_not_you_you_are_me _second_invocation

    talk_to_the_hand _identical_inned_functions  # prints 1


The ArnoldC Interpreter also supports recurssion which is the only way for cycling in ArnoldC.

Example of a program which prints all numbers from _number to _limit:

listen_to_me_very_carefully _print_to_limit
i_need_your_clothes_your_boots_and_your_motorcycle _number
i_need_your_clothes_your_boots_and_your_motorcycle _limit
    talk_to_the_hand _number

    get_to_the_chopper _number_plus_one
        here_is_my_invitation _number
        get_up 1

    get_to_the_chopper _condition
        here_is_my_invitation _limit
        let_off_some_steam_bennet _number_plus_one

    because_im_going_to_say_please _condition
        do_it_now _print_to_limit, _number_plus_one, _limit

    do_it_now _print_to_limit, 1, 5

# outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4

Implementation in Ruby

This project implements a Ruby module ArnoldCPM which has a few specifics explained below.

First, before any ArnoldC code can be evaluated a printer must be defined. The latter is a Ruby class which defines its own 'print' method that outputs data. The class 'Kernel' is suitable to use in most cases.

The crucial method which evaluates ArnoldC code is 'totally_recall'. It receives a block that contains the source code for an ArnoldC program. It is appropriate to mention here that ArnoldC code is actually valid Ruby code i.e. ArnoldC expression are internally Ruby methods which interact with one another to exhibit the expected behaviour of ArnoldC code.


The structures used to interpret ArnoldC code are the following: variables, statements, conditionals, function templates, functions, and a function stack. They are declared in 'code/constructs.rb'.


ArnoldC variables are instances of the class ArnoldCVariable. The latter has instance variables that contain the name of the ArnoldC variable and the value which the variable holds.


An ArnoldC statement is a structure which executes some Ruby code and is attached to a function (e.g. 'talk_to_the_hand' prints a value). Statements also contain information themselves such as its name and the expression which once evaluated yield values used by the statement. However, said information is actually not utilized by the interpreter and only serves to aid the readers who wish to understand the Ruby implementation of the interpreter.


Conditionals contain two seperate bodies - one that is executed if the condition is true and the other which is executed if the condition evaluates to untruth. The bodies themselves are a collection of ordered statements and are executed in sequence. Conditionals themselves are attached to a function's body.

Functions and Function templates

Templates are in essence a function's definition. The former contain information about the the name of the function, its parameters' names, and its body which is a collection of ordered statements and conditionals, etc. Templates can be stored in other templates which is how the behaviour of nested functions is achieved. However, it should be noted that templates do not have a closure of inner variables and parameter values i.e. values determined when a function is invoked. While templates have a body of statements they can not be executed.

Function templates are later used to instantiate the functions themselves which is accomplished only when a function is invoked. The new function instances contain all the information that templates contain. However, functions also contain a closure (a collection of all of its inner variables), parameter values, return value, a method which executes the body of the function, etc.

Function stack

The function stack piles on top of one another function instances. The topmost function is the one currently being executed. This behaviour is required to implement recurssion where multiple instaces of the same declared function are created (i.e. multiple functions are created with the same template).

The interpreter

The module that contains all ArnoldC expressions is ArnoldCPM::Interpreter. They are defined as normal Ruby methods. The interpreter extends ArnoldCPM which means that all interpreter methods become ArnoldCPM's class methods. Most ArnoldC expressions are considered statements which means that they define some behaviour which is appended to a function's body for evaluation at a later stage. This is accomplished in Ruby by keeping said behaviour in a statement's instance variable.

Expressions which do not create statements are those which are utilized in the declaration of conditionals and functions. These expressions add a new block in which statements are stored.

A new function stack is created for each ArnoldC program that is executed. ArnoldCPM::Interpreter has a class variable which stores that function stack. At the bottom of the stack lay the function whose name is '__program__'. It encompases all other functions defined within it which are the program's top-level functions (e.g. the main function). When __program__ is executed it declares all top-level functions after which the recently declared main function (whose name is '__main__') is instantiated, added to the top of the stack and executed.

All functions are created using their declared templates only when they are invoked. Each function stores its own parameter values and its own closure. The latter contains all variables declared within said function. Both can be referenced in the function's body by name.


Custom Ruby exceptions are defined in 'code/errors.rb'. They are raised when undefined ArnoldC behaviour is used such as referencing an undeclared function, using an uninitialized variable in operations, etc.

Source code files

An ArnoldC program's source code can be stored in a text file. These files can be opened and executed by the script 'execute.rb'. It can be run with the following command:

$ ruby execute.rb [filepath]


$ ruby execute.rb files/hello_world.arnoldc

Personal motivation

This project is meant to give me experience using git as well as Ruby. It is my first project that employs both utilities. Not only that but it is my first fully finished project (or at least developed to a state at which it could be utilized).

Another reason why I was motivated to continue working was the theme of the project - developing not only my own interpreter but also implementing an esoteric programming language.