
Simple middleware between alertmanager and msteams. You can set it a template for transform alertmanager payload to teams accepted payload.

Primary LanguageGo


Simple middleware between alertmanager and msteams. You can set it a template for transform alertmanager payload to teams accepted payload.

This was tested with alertmanager 0.24. In the last version exist native support for this integration.


Just set DESTINATION_ENDPOINT env vars with your webhook endpoint

for example: export DESTINATION_ENDPOINT=my_webhook_url

You can set your own template, you can modify it in configmap manifest.

Deploy: kubectl apply -n your_namespace -f manifests/.

In alertmanager.yaml set http://alert2teams:8080 as receiver:

# A list of notification receivers.
      - name: 'msteams'
           - send_resolved: true
             url: http://alert2teams:8080