
Async component caching for your server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Async component caching for your server


Server side rendering (SSR) React components can be slow. The more components you render, the longer it takes React's renderToString to generate the final HTML. This leads to a slower Time To First Byte (TTFB) and can adversely affect the user's experience.

React-Server-Cache adds the ability to cache individual components' HTML so React doesn't have to re-mount them which allows for significant time savings.

Aren't there already caching solutions for that?

There are. Walmart's Electrode for instance (the inspiration for this module) is a great caching library. However, since React mounts its components synchronously, it needs to retrieve cached components before continuing its traversal which limits the ability to connect to external cache stores such as memcached or redis.

React-Server-Cache satisfies React's need to render synchronously by returning temporary placeholders to be inserted in the markup while mounting. When cache fetches resolve (or reject), the real markup is used to replace those placeholders.

Installation & Usage

$ yarn add github:peleg/react-server-cache
/* Components/Product.jsx */

import cachedComponent from 'react-server-cache/lib/decorator';

@cachedComponent((props) => `${props.id}:${props.lastUpdated}`)
class Product extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div>{ this.props.title }</div>

export default Product;
/* server.js */

import { replaceWithCachedValues, MemcachedCacheStore, enableCache } from 'react-server-cache';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import Product from './Components/Product.jsx';

enableCache(new MemcachedCacheStore({
  location: 'localhost:11211'

app.get('/products/:id', (req, res) => {
  const tempMarkup = renderToString(<Product id={ req.params.id }>);

  replaceWithCachedValues(tempMarkup).then((finalMarkup) => {