
Notifies via the USGS earthquake API to your phone when a notable earthquake has hit your subscribed area

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Notifies via the USGS earthquake API to your phone when a notable earthquake has hit your subscribed area


Build Status

Local Test / Build

This system orchestrates build and test using NPM script orchestration. To install components:

npm install

To test and stage packages for AWS deployment, respectively:

npm run test
npm run stage


This system uses Terraform for AWS deployment orchestration. To deploy:

# Then apply the subsequent plan, if appropriate:
terraform apply ".terraform/terraform.tfplan"

Terraform state is stored remotely. Current / default configurations are for the upstream bucket. To use in your own environment, please update the following line of Terraform with the correct bucket detail:

bucket = "tf-state-rumble"

Docker Notes

To run consistently, use Docker:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home -w /home kramos/alpine-zip zip -q -9 -0 -r -b ./bin ./node_modules/ ./index.js ./package.json
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home -w /home -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws hashicorp/terraform:0.11.15 init ./terraform/rumble
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home -w /home node:4-slim npm install --no-optional