
Hexo demo with Docker

Primary LanguageHTML

Hexo demo

Hexo.io static site generator demo with Docker. Read my blog Troubleshooting Docker for more details.


  • Node.js 12 using Docker
  • Hexo has been installed as a project dependency


Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:Pen-y-Fan/hexo-demo.git
cd hexo-demo
echo $(id -u)
# check your user id is 1000, if different edit Makefile and change UID=1000
make shell-run
# inside the Docker container /app install the dependencies

Quick Start

Run server

The server can be started on port 4000

# with Make and Docker
make server

Once started open the browser localhost:4000

More info: Server

Docker information

make server Will start the container equivalent to:

docker run -d -p 4000:4000 -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/app -w /app --rm node:12.18.4-alpine yarn server

  • -d starts the docker container in a demon (background)
  • -p 4000:4000 on port 4000 and expose port 4000
  • -u $(id -u):$(id -g) under the current user's account
  • -v $(pwd):/app map the current directory to /app in the container
  • -w /app make /app the working directory
  • --rm when the container is closed it will be removed
  • node:12.18.4-alpine the node 12 LTS release using the lightweight Alpine OS
  • yarn server runs the package.json script hexo server

Note: Node 14 LTS has a Regression in Node 14, therefore the composer-compose.yml has been configured to use Node 12 until this is resolved.

Create a new post

Options, depending on node being installed, with or without but hexo, or docker can be used, via make command.

# or with Make and Docker:
make hexo new=My-New-Post

Note: The title will need to be manually updated in the My-New-Post.md file

More info: Writing

Generate static files

Options, depending on node being installed, with or without but hexo, or docker can be used, via make command

# with Make/Docker
make generate

More info: Generating


See github pages on how to deploy a project.

Stopping the server

Once finished run

make down

This will run docker-compose down --remove-orphans