
Lumen Api created using Test Driven Development (TDD)

Primary LanguagePHP

Lumen API using TDD

This app is based on APIs in Laravel using TDD, except Lumen is used. Inspiration was also taken from Lumen RealWorld Example App, as well as the Official Documentation.

Test Driven Development (TDD) techniques, from APIs in Laravel using TDD, were used to write the tests in Lumen, using PHPUnit to develop the app.

This is a basic API CRUD app, with no auth or validation checking. It is intended as a basic test API. It should never be used in production.


Please check the official Lumen installation guide for server requirements before you start. Official Documentation

Create a directory and switch to the repo folder

md lumen-api-using-tdd
cd lumen-api-using-tdd

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/Pen-y-Fan/lumen-api-using-tdd.git

Install all the dependencies using composer

composer install

Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file

copy .env.example .env

Generate a new application key

Since Lumen doesn't have the php artisan key:generate command, there's a custom route to help you generate an application key. See below to start the local development server first, stop the server after generating the key and amending the .env file, to reload the new settings.

Run the database migrations (Set the database connection in .env before migrating)

php artisan migrate

You can now access the server at

TL;DR command list (Windows)

md lumen-api-using-tdd
cd lumen-api-using-tdd
git clone https://github.com/Pen-y-Fan/lumen-api-using-tdd.git
composer install
copy .env.example .env

Make sure you set the correct database connection information and enter an application key before running the migrations Environment variables

php artisan migrate
php -S -t public

Database seeding

Run the database seeder and you're done.

php artisan db:seed

Note : It's recommended to have a clean database before seeding. You can refresh your migrations at any point to clean the database by running the following command (remove --seed for an empty database).

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed


To run tests in windows:

composer tests

Note : To allow the tests run run quickly, the tests use sqlite in memory database. The extension=pdo_sqlite may need to be enabled in php.ini file, this is not normally enabled by default.


  • app - Contains the Product model
  • app/Http/Controllers - Contains the Product api controller
  • app/Http/Resources - Contains the Product resource and collection
  • database/factories - Contains the model factory for the model
  • database/migrations - Contains the database migrations
  • database/seeds - Contains the database seeder
  • routes - Contains all the api routes defined in web.php file
  • tests/Feature/Http/Controllers - Contains all the api tests

Environment variables

  • .env - Environment variables can be set in this file

Note : You can quickly set the database information and other variables in this file and have the application fully working.

API Specification

REST API for Product

Request Endpoint Description
GET /api/product List of Products, paginated
GET /api/product/{id} Single product, by id number
POST /api/product Create a product, name and price
DELETE /api/product/{id} Delete a product by its id number
PUT /api/product/{id} Update a product, by id number


The following examples are available in the examples.rest file, which can be used with REST Client VS Code extension.

@hostname =
@port = 8000
@host = {{hostname}}:{{port}}
@contentType = application/json

Note : VS Code and therefore REST Client with @hostname = http://localhost does not work on windows.

Index of first 15 products

GET {{host}}/api/product HTTP/1.1

Index of next 15 products (page 2)

GET {{host}}/api/product?page=2 HTTP/1.1

Show an existing product

GET {{host}}/api/product/1 HTTP/1.1

Update an existing product

PUT {{host}}/api/product/1 HTTP/1.1
content-type: {{contentType}}

    "name": "sample",
    "price": 71

Create a new product

Note : Product name must be unique as slug is generated from the name, which is a unique field.

POST {{host}}/api/product HTTP/1.1
content-type: {{contentType}}

    "name": "sample4",
    "price": 81

Delete an existing product

DELETE {{host}}/api/product/2 HTTP/1.1
content-type: {{contentType}}


Comments are always welcome. This is a basic test API personal project, as such contributions are not expected. Feel free to fork, if you find this project useful and which to expand it for your own personal project.


This app and the Lumen framework are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.